Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Masterclass Techniques: Newaza

Alongside the 24 Tachi-Waza techniques I'll be teaching for the rest of the year (on Tuesday nights), I will be teaching the following 24 Newaza techniques.

I will show the basics together with competition variations, and where possible, combination attacks. Effective defenses and escapes for these techniques will also be taught.

1.    Kesa-Gatame
2.    Yoko-Shiho-Gatame
3.    Kami-Shiho-Gatame
4.    Tate-Shiho-Gatame
5.    Arm Trap Roll
6.    Matsumoto Roll
7.    Fallon Roll
8.    Kata-Guruma Roll
9.    Lapel Grip Roll

10.    Hadaka-Jime
11.    Okuri-Eri-Jime
12.    Kataha-Jime
13.    Gyaku-Juji-Jime
14.    Koshi-Jime
15.    Sode-Guruma-Jime
16.    Ashi-Jime
17.    Trap Choke

18.    Ude-Garami
19.    Juji-Gatame

20.    Yoko-Sankaku I
21.    Yoko-Sankaku II
22.    Sankaku from Below
23.    Straddling Sankaku
24.    Huizinga Roll

Masterclass Techniques: Tachi-Waza

For the rest of the year, I'll be conducting weekly Masterclasses on Tuesday nights. These classes are supplementary to the regular classes that are held on Thursday and Saturday nights. They are optional, for those who want to learn advanced judo.

These are the tachi-waza techniques that will be taught. Basic and competition variations will be taught, together with combinations into other techniques; combination from other techniques; and  counters.

Hand Techniques
1.    Morote-Seoi-Nage
2.    Ippon-Seoi-Nage
3.    Tai-Otoshi

Foot Techniques
4.    De-Ashi-Barai
5.    Kosoto-Gari
6.    Osoto-Gari
7.    Kouchi-Gari
8.    Ouchi-Gari
9.    Sasae-Tsuri-Komi-Ashi
10.    Uchimata

Hip Techniques

11.    Ogoshi
12.    Koshi-Guruma
13.    Tsuri-Goshi
14.    Sode-Tsuri-Komi-Goshi
15.    Harai-Goshi
16.    Utsuri-Goshi

17.    Tomoe-Nage
18.    Sumi-Gaeshi
19.    Ura-Nage
20.    Yoko-Guruma
21.    Utsuri-Goshi
22.    Yoko-Otoshi
23.    Tani-Otoshi
24.    Soto-Makikomi